28th May 2024

Github Slack App: subscribe to all commits

How to use the Github Slack App to subscribe to commits to all branches of a Github repository
DevOps Notes

Github Slack integration: subscribe to commits for all branches

We use Github and Slack extensively at Si Novi and the Github Slack App is a useful way to integrate the two systems. It's helpful when collaborating on a project to see the progress others are making, or to keep an eye on new issues or project tickets being created.

We use feature branches for development and so it's common that we want to see commits pushed to all branches for a repo, not just for the default branch main.

The way to subscribe to all branches of a Github repository is with the slack command:

/github subscribe owner/repo commits:*

There are lots of resources online that suggest commits:all, but this doesn't work for us.

Github & Slack: subscribe to specific branch

There may be times you want to subscribe for Slack updates to a specific branch on Github, in which case you can do this:

/github subscribe owner/repo commits:branch-name

See the Github App on the Slack App directory: https://slack.com/apps/A01BP7R4KNY-github?tab=more_info

Github Slack App documentation: https://github.com/integrations/slack?tab=readme-ov-file#features

Do you have any thoughts on this article? Get in touch: hello@sinovi.uk

About the author

James Galley

An AWS-certified developer, James architects and produces cloud-based web applications using Amazon Web Services. Recent projects include high-throughput event driven applications using Kinesis and DynamoDB, fully serverless web applications powered by AWS Lambda and high-performance static sites deployed to S3.

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